Seven string Royalty

Seven string guitars have always been an illusive piece of equipment to some, making the change from a 6 string guitar to a seven string guitar can seem daunting. What scale length do I need? What neck material? Should I go with a bolt on neck or a through body design? It's a good job that Vola Guitars has all those bases covered.
The amazing thing about 7 string guitars and players is nowadays you are not pigeon holed into only playing metal, using that low B to chug chug chug on. Let's take a look at the new range of guitars from our boys in Kadinja, the Vola Oz 7 QGM J1 and the Vasti 7 PDM J1. Two guitars based on two of the most popular models in the Vola Guitars range, the boys go from Spanky super rhythmic challenging metal to some of the most beautiful RnB inspired music ever. Now yes it is a true testament to the players skills BUT it also shows that the seven string guitar is no one trick pony.
Enter our brand new 7 string model the Vasti 7 RV MF, sitting at a very comfortable price point for a hand made Japanese guitar its loaded with the highest specs we could get without compromising.
Sporting a Rock Maple bolt on neck with two way truss rod adjustment, A super fast 16inch radius on the fretboard and sat on that board are 24 Beautiful nickel frets. The guitar has in house designed Humbucker and single coil pickups the Fire Ice pickups, traversing the pathways of death metal or sinking your teeth into a dragged funk groove will not be hard when slinging this guitar round your neck. Not only that the guitar is held together beautifully by the Gotoh trem and locking tuners.
All I can say is that you have to take the leap ( metaphorical statement of course ) but take the plunge into the world of seven strings, it's a beautiful landscape of low notes and extended vocabulary. Here at Vola we are proud to have such a wide range of seven strings to choose from, so take a look and get hooked on the 7 string today.